How to create the custom Navigation Node and Explorer tree in Hybris backoffice

The navigation node and explorer tree are helpful in faster search and quick navigation for particular types in the back office, Below are the steps to be added in-backoffice-config.xml of the custom back office extension

  1. Add the root navigation node
<context component="explorer-tree" merge-by="module">
		<n:explorer-tree xmlns:n="">
			<n:navigation-node id="CustomTree">

2. Add the explorer tree node to the navigation node

<context component="explorer-tree" merge-by="module">
		<n:explorer-tree xmlns:n="">
			<n:navigation-node id="CustomTree">
				<n:type-node code="MYType" id="My.Type" />

3. Add an entry in to define localized value for Node Type

My.Type=MY Custom Type 

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