How to install Solr 9 in Hybris/SAP Commerce Cloud version 2211.16 or above in local environment

Install Solr 9 in your local environment.

1. Set property solrserver.solr.server.version=9.2.0 in

2. Go to Solr official site to download the file solr-9.2.0.tgz and decompress file solr-9.2.0.tgz and repackage it as file

3. Install to your local mvn repository with the following command

  • mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=org.apache.solr -DartifactId=solr -Dversion=9.2.0 -Dpackaging=zip -Dfile=/FILE PATH/

4. Run ant all

5. Start your Commerce Cloud to verify the Solr 9 server

Additionally, if you have customized solrconfig.xml file in the past and still wish to use your customized one, please follow the steps described in Upgrading Solr 8 to Solr 9 to update the configurations. 

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