
How to get Url Patterns for Particular Site using Groovy Script in Hybris?

import de.hybris.platform.servicelayer.search.FlexibleSearchServiceimport de.hybris.platform.servicelayer.search.SearchResultimport de.hybris.platform.cms2.model.site.CMSSiteModel; Map params = new HashMap();String query = “select {p:pk} from {CMSSite as p } where {p:uid} in (‘DemoSite1′,’DemoSite2’)”params = null;FlexibleSearchService fss = spring.getBean(“flexibleSearchService”);final SearchResult searchResult = fss.search(query, params);for (final CMSSiteModel csmSite : searchResult.getResult()){println csmSite.getUid()+” – “+csmSite.getUrlPatterns();};

How to create the custom Navigation Node and Explorer tree in Hybris backoffice

The navigation node and explorer tree are helpful in faster search and quick navigation for particular types in the back office, Below are the steps to be added in-backoffice-config.xml of the custom back office extension 2. Add the explorer tree node to the navigation node 3. Add an entry in labels_en.properties to define localized value …

How to create the custom Navigation Node and Explorer tree in Hybris backoffice Read More »

What is the enum type, How to use and define in Hybris ?

What is the enum in Hybris ? SAP Commerce enables us to use attributes with pre-defined values, called enumeration. Enum types are used for defining constant values. but Dynamic in Enum is different from Dynamic attributes, can add dynamic value at run time for dynamic Enum type. Type of enum and How to define in item.xml? …

What is the enum type, How to use and define in Hybris ? Read More »

What is the difference between extgen and modulegen?

Extgen is an inbuilt tool of Sap hybris Commerce Suite to generate one extension/addon based on the template given. Extgen available templates are yempty, yaddon, ybackoffice, cockpit, ycommerceservices etc. Generate the extension using the Ant extgen command Modulegen is used to generate sets of dependent extensions-based accelerator templates. Following extensions are created storefront,facade, core, cockpits, …

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